
企业人以奋斗拼搏,奋发图强的精神,在市场经济的大潮中一步步做大做强,靠汗水和智慧赢得了荣誉。 从政府主管部门的肯定到同行的认可,再到广大民众的认可,社会各界,行业内外的一致好评,众多荣 誉成为公司的助推器,推动着公司不断向更灿烂的辉煌迈进。

In the spirit of struggling and working hard, the enterprise is bigger and stronger in the tide of market economy and won the honor by sweat and wisdom. Recognition from the government departments to peer recognition, and then the general public recognition of all sectors of society, high praise from both inside and outside of the industry. Those honors all become JCNS' booster, and promote the Group continue to more brilliant progress.


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